Resumption of work

Transforming stress into a strength.

In good times and bad.

As a company, you don't just support your employees when they deliver results. More than 75% of employees choose an employer who shares their values and standards, even when things aren't going so well. If your colleagues threaten to give in, Oh My People from the starting blocks. Coaching, career guidance, work resumption … We tackle every challenge with the right solution.

You notice that it works.

Being sick is no fun and it is not a choice you make.

For most employees who report sick, the absence is short-term and they quickly return to work. But for some, illness leads to a longer absence. Research by Securex of the absence data registered in the year 2022 shows that 42 % of employees who are absent for more than a month due to illness do not return to work for the same employer within a year. Experts agree that the longer the absence, the less likely it is that employees will successfully return to their original employer . Employees also appear to be asking for support after long absences. To meet this need for support, Oh My People developed the work resumption trajectory.

Work resumption trajectory:

During the return to work process, Oh My People supports your employees through a personal action plan and at the same time we offer them tools to prepare for the return to work. When your employee is ready - and only then - we take the step back to the workplace together with them . And towards an optimal return to work :   partially , progressively or fully customized .

Let's go through the return to work process:

  • It consists of a semi-structured step-by-step plan that is tailored to the participant. Tailored to their personal situation and needs.

  • The techniques used in the process are scientifically substantiated techniques from psychology and interventions based on more than 20 years of experience of Elke Van Hoof.

  • Throughout the process, satisfaction, progress and impact are continuously monitored and evaluated. This way we can guarantee both quality and impact.

Why is there a need for support before and after returning to work:


  1. From day 1 I was expected to be back to my old self, but I wasn't ready yet.
  2. After a while, no one asked whether I was still able to do it; my job description was not adjusted.
  3. I didn't like the work anymore. I didn't feel at home there.
  4. I was still very ashamed of my 'outbursts'.
  5. I did not receive trust from my colleagues and manager.


Discover the working method of Oh My People

How does it work in practice?

  1. Your employee indicates that he or she will be absent for a long period of time.

  2. The employer, a representative of the employer or an insurer checks whether the application meets the inclusion criteria.

  3. The file is transferred to us by the employer or the insurer.

  4. Once we have this information, we will contact you.

  5. We aim to start every guidance within 7 working days. No endless waiting lists.

  6. A standard trajectory consists of 12 sessions of one and a half hours, spread over several months. This can be done with our experts or online.

  7. We work in a very focused and practical manner; the materials required for this are provided.

Powerful long-term partnerships.

That is what Oh My People strives for and excels in. That is why we do not just let your employees go, but we keep our finger on the pulse. At least once a year we provide your organization with a comprehensive report. Ask us about it. How are you doing? now with your employees? What developments do we measure? From that data we bundle new insights and we adjust smoothly where necessary. Concrete and proactive, so that your colleagues can always be the best version of themselves. An asset in your well-being policy. That's how we roll!

We're always one click away.

Do you as an employer also want to contribute to the recovery of your employees? Then contact us.

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