
Why we need to make stress work.

One in three.

That is how many - or rather how few - employees feel that they can be the best version of themselves in the workplace today. Take this group away from their familiar environment and only 40% manage to maintain their resilience. And let's now just live in a world that is constantly changing. Our approach drives this percentage significantly, so that every individual can be the best version of themselves in the workplace, regardless of the context in which they work or the context in which your company will find itself tomorrow.

Stress is often labeled as the brutal villain that we need to banish from an organization. Think again! Although long-term stress can be toxic to the body, not all forms of tension are bad, on the contrary. An increased ability to concentrate, better performance, a desire to work in the morning getting started in the morning, … Stress keeps us going and exposes many opportunities to build resilience.

Stress makes us innovate, evolve and learn more about ourselves. Without stress, no progress. OhMP is co-writing a new paradigm around stress. A paradigm where we focus on the benefits of stress so that we can integrate stress into our lives.

Are you suffering from stress? Or do you turn stress to your advantage? It's up to you!

Discover Stresscrafting®, the stress workshop for managers, HR professionals and employees.

How do you tackle toxic stress within your organization? What role does recovery time play in reducing stress levels? What are the alarm bells of a burnout and how do you recognize them in colleagues?

Elke Van Hoof developed Stresscrafting® as a unique and efficient method to make stress work, for both managers and employees. What happens to our brain when we are under stress? How can we be resilient, especially in an era where uncertainty is a big issue is? During an interactive workshop or Stresscrafting® training, Oh My People teaches you how to recognize stress signals and transform them into opportunities.

Goal-oriented & data-driven

Informative & activating

Interactive & high-energy

One common language around well-being at work.

This is the only way to achieve sustainable results. During an energetic keynote, we will get everyone on the same page. Up next? We will implement our wellbeing insights in your organisation during a workshop or training. If desired, we will build a wellbeing culture where 'mental health in all policies' central. This is how you arrive at 'one mission, one voice'. We always do this in co-creation so that the welfare policy is strengthened and supported by the entire organization.

Ever tried to turn a trotting herd around?

Not that easy. As an organization, you want to avoid your employees swarming around, but rather moving in the same direction. The chance that this will happen spontaneously, out of common sense? Non-existent. That is why it is essential that you click on a goal and move your employees in the same direction pushes. That is what we do during our workshops and trainings and through our collective approach: giving people small nudges, so that – in addition to a common language – they also gradually develop one healthy behavior pattern.

Human behavior is always changing. Situation to situation, moment to moment, second to second.

The right skills are key.

OhMP organizes workshops, trainings and train-the-trainers around stress and burnout. Employees, managers and confidants all get their money's worth.

Our workshops and trainings are highly regarded for their interactive and inspiring style. On average we get a 9/10! Zooming in on the power of stress and not just the doom scenario behind too much stress for too long, is always the insight with spit on number 1 in our evaluations. After the workshops or training you can also get started right away. By using cases, metaphors, scenarios and the stress box, the core messages stick and we contribute to a sustainable change in behavior.

“When we use stress as a window of opportunity, extraordinary things happen.”

In 6 modules to a work context in which everyone can be the best version of themselves.

#1. The concept
or stress

We zoom in on the evolution, impact and compass function of stress.

#2. The power of our brain

About the functioning of our brain, stress responses and the importance of recovery time.

#3. The detection of stress

Focus on stress recognition, the stress continuum and the APGAR score.

#4. The road to opportunity

What opportunities does stress offer? About autopilot, hybrid working and the 10-24-7 rule.

#5. The communication game

Practical tips, tools and tricks to make stress a topic of discussion in the workplace.

#6. The conversation starter

Talking about absence and reintegration. How do you enter into dialogue with a colleague who falls ill and the team?

Our stress box is a game in which you learn by doing. Stress can be studied from all sides. What does it do to me? What does it do to my colleagues? Do we react the same? Or not? How does my leadership style change? My communication style? My mindset ? …from this self-awareness we then develop alternatives that we practice through skills training.

Turn sporadic resilience into ever flourishing employees.

And we go beyond a classic training by the book. Learn more about resilience, feedback or leadership during a basketball training? Why not! Oh My People goes three steps further than the theory, so that your employees can also successfully apply these strategies in new, unknown situations. situations.

Of course, we do not only promote a new paradigm around stress. We also work on team stress, catching the first warning signs of stress, communication during long-term absence, preparing and following up on work resumption, …

Do you as an employer also want to help write a new paradigm around stress? Do you have other training needs around well-being at work? Then contact us.


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