Beat the winter blues: tips against the winter blues and stress

You have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, your mood is low and the desire to exercise is nowhere to be found... The winter blues are real! The cold temperatures and lack of sunlight can make you feel a bit gloomy, also at work. But stress can also contribute to the winter blues. Chronic stress can also lead to burnout in the long term. Take timely action with our practical tips!

When does stress become a problem?

The combination of winter blues and toxic stress has a huge impact on your body. A little bit of stress can't hurt, of course: stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol ensure that your performance peaks. Afterwards, your body calms down again. Do you barely have time to catch your breath between stress peaks, and for months on end? Then the connection between the limbic system (the part of the brain that regulates impulsive behavior and emotions) and the prefrontal cortex (the part that processes information, so that we make well-considered decisions) is severed. The result? You lose your temper for a moment and throw all rationality overboard.

Signs of chronic stress

The longer stress lasts, the more your energy reserves are depleted and fatigue increases. That is why your body tries to warn you in time. Unfortunately, these signals are all too often ignored. These signs indicate that your body is sounding the alarm!

  • Tension Headaches | Stress is often linked to neck, shoulder and tension headaches.
  • Sleep problems | When your body and mind do not relax enough, it disturbs your sleep. You have difficulty falling asleep, do not sleep deeply enough or wake up much too early.
  • Less control over emotions | If you are under stress for a long time, you can develop a short fuse. You are easily frustrated and have difficulty controlling impulses.
  • Negative mindset | Chronic stress can lead to ruminating thoughts. When the negative spiral continues, you may experience anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Weakened immune system | Stress prepares your body to fight or flee. Your heart rate increases, your breathing quickens… If you are in this mode for a long time, you will notice that your immune system is exhausted. This makes you more susceptible to illness.
  • Difficulty with decisions | Stress requires a lot of cognitive energy. The result? Rational thinking becomes difficult, making decisions is a real challenge.

Tips to reduce stress and beat the winter blues

To reduce stress, you don’t have to take drastic measures. Quite the opposite! The best way to relax and boost your energy is with small actions that you repeat regularly. So don’t plan an hour-long yoga session, but weave short, accessible moments of rest into your daily routine. Pressing the pause button for ten minutes can make a world of difference. Take a walk, call old friends, read a book… No inspiration? Ask yourself what you liked to do as a child, or dare to finally take up that hobby you’ve always dreamed of. By doing things that recharge your batteries, you can overcome your winter blues and stress!

Do you want to tackle stress complaints in your company at the core? Oh My People offers your colleagues the right tools, so that burnouts do not lurk around the corner.

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Beat the winter blues: tips against the winter blues and stress

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