Winners and losers have the same goal.
Companies with a well-functioning and less well-functioning well-being policy have the same intention.
A financially and mentally healthy organization. The problem? Making the translation into actionable insights. Only 37% of all companies have an integrated well-being policy that recognizes stress and provides the right tools to become stronger from stress. The growth margin? Enormous! Oh My People offers a good portion of inspiration.
Together we determine the North Star of your organization.
Why do you, as a company, pay attention to well-being? What does well-being mean in your professional context? What challenges does your sector faces today? Based on your North Star we design an ambitious but achievable plan with various goals regarding well-being in the workplace. No guesswork, but a tailor-made script that paves the way for strong well-being results. The ROI and KPIs are central to this.
Let’s look forward.
What is the ROI of an integrated well-being policy? Studies confirm that every dollar you invest in a smart strategy pays off twice as much. As far back as 2012, the Mental Health Commission of Canada indicated that for every dollar invested in well-being at work, it can yield 20 dollars. How? By moving away from ad hoc solutions and fully opting for 'mental health in all policies'@work. But sustainable effects can only be achieved after three to five years. We're not going to wait for that! Thanks to KPIs, we can closely monitor progress, evaluate the results and adjust where necessary.