Oh My People

Ideas achieve breakthrough results

Turn sporadic resilience into ever flourishing employees.

Oh My People

Stress in itself is not a problem, on the contrary.

Stress is good and even necessary. We all need a healthy portion of stress in our lives, otherwise we wouldn't achieve anything. That's why Oh My People teaches your employees how to turn stress into their advantage. But let's not dramatize things. Need to meet a tight deadline? Are you stuck in traffic while the nursery is about to close? Then you do not have to immediately schedule an appointment with the psychologist. The key to success is to see stress as an alarm signal, so that you learn to reflect on what is going wrong and to rectify it in time. Comfortable? Absolutely not. Feasible? Sure!

Employees must also roll up their sleeves and get to work.

No cyclist has ever won a race by cheering on the sidelines. You have to make miles, with trial and error. Only if your employees are prepared to do so can they maximize their potential. The apps, tests, tips and exercises from our workshops and training courses put them on the right track. They are not randomly chosen, but have a solid effect.

“People are often surprised by the many assignments they receive from me. Clients expect a psychologist to give them more insight into their behavior and feelings. However, research shows that psychological problems – including stress – are rarely the result of a lack of knowledge. When stress drags on, even the deepest insight doesn't help. Understanding why you feel a certain way doesn't necessarily change how you feel.


People want to eliminate their stress through guidance, coaching or training, but I don't think this makes much sense. It is better to integrate stress into your life. The main pitfall? The idea that you don't have time to deal with this. That is why we guide you through these valleys of disappointments with our apps, keynotes, workshops and training courses. But resolutions that start with "From tomorrow I will..." don't bode well. Take the challenge with me. Make time. A few minutes a day is enough to make effective progress in the long term.


Elke Van Hoof

The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.


Peter Drucker

Oh My People
Offices, practice &
training center

Oh My People Koning Albertlaan 31 - 3320 Hoegaarden - RPR Leuven  VAT BE0669.807.764 SME Portfolio DV.O220436